Essay on Influence of Western Culture

Influence of Western Culture Western culture, sometimes equated with western civilization or European civilization refers to cultures of European orig

 Influence of Western Culture

Introduction: Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization or European civilization refers to cultures of European origin. The term western culture is used broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, religious beliefs, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies of European origin.

Influence of Western Culture, western culture

History: Historical records of Western culture in its European geographical range begin with ancient Greece and then ancient Rome. European culture developed with a complex range of philosophy, medieval, scholasticism, and mysticism, and Christian and secular humanism. Rational thinking developed with a complex range of philosophy, medieval scholasticism and naturalism, romanticism, science, democracy, and socialism with its global connection. European culture grew with an all-inclusive urge to adopt and ultimately influence another trend of culture.

Difference between Western culture and our culture: Western culture is primarily based on democracy, other freedom, and equality as well as often principles included within the framework of human rights. It is also based on individualism, liberalism, and utilitarianism. On the hand, our culture, eastern culture is based on religious beliefs like Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The followers of these religions are quite reluctant to do anything or to follow any other dictate, culture, or instruction neglecting the dictates of the above religions.

Influence of Western culture in our society: Western culture can be referred to as an advanced culture. This is because its ideas and values promote the development and sustainment of advanced civilization. Western culture has had quite an influence on our culture but it has its pros and cons. There are many good things in the Western culture which we have adopted. There has been an enormous amount of influence of Western culture on us. It can easily be felt by the food, attire, and way of living of the people. Especially for dresses it has made adverse effects. So it is not good for our culture. Our young girls are wearing skirts, micros, minis, etc. which excites the boys leading to some serious crimes such as rape, etc. Western culture has influenced our way of life and living. Joint family tradition, one of the biggest assets of our culture is vanishing under the shadow of the so-called Western culture. Nuclear families are taking the place of many years old values. The youth of today is more interested in their privacy rather than enjoying their lives with others. Individualization has broken up the joint family system paving the way for the youth to fall prey to drug addiction.

Western culture has affected almost every dimension of society. The core religious traditions are still the same but the lifestyle differences can be found because of Western culture. Hence we can say that Western culture has not affected the core traditions in Bangladeshi society but has changed the lifestyle and apparent characteristics of the society.

Our acceptance: Every culture is enriched with some good and bad features. We must adopt what is good, rational, reasonable, and truthful in Western culture. We should not accept the decline of moral values. But unfortunately, our young generation is fond of Western culture without caring what is good or what is bad. They watch and enjoy violence, fighting, wrestling, boxing, and naked/blue films on TV through satellite channels. They welcome the Western culture and intend to live a Western life neglecting and ignoring our own traditional culture.

Conclusion: There is both positive and negative impact of Western culture and our culture. But both cultures are unique in their own way and equally good. Western culture and our own culture have good qualities and bad qualities, we should not think of which culture is better but should take the good qualities of both cultures and put them to use in our life.

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