Paragraph On Facebook

Paragraph Facebook is an internet based social network connecting the people worldwide and everybody having internet connection may have access to it.

 Paragraph On Facebook

Paragraph On Facebook

Facebook is an internet-based social network connecting to people worldwide and everybody who has an internet connection may have access to it. Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintaining social and friendly relationships between people living far and near. Any person who wishes to be a Facebook member needs first to have an internet connection and then to sign up with personal details and secret passwords to ensure privacy and security. Any person can search for their friends as well as near and dear ones online and can send invitations. If the invitation is accepted they become friends in terms of Facebook and can share everything of each other stored in their Facebook. Facebook allows us to make numerous albums upload photos and documents and make friends with a lot of people. Any Facebook member can write comments on their status, on other member's status and photos, etc. Facebook provides online chatting as well. With the help of Facebook, we can easily find our long-lost friends as well as near and dear ones who are already Facebook members. It can be used to raise awareness and share news among the members. However, Facebook has some disadvantages as well. Crooked people may upload obscene and objectionable photos and comments. Besides these negative aspects, Facebook has brought a great change in modern civilization.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Social (adj.) - সামাজিক;
  • Worldwide - বিশ্বব্যাপী;
  • Connection (n) - সংযোগ;
  • Access (n) – প্রবেশ;
  • Maintain (v) - রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করা;
  • Privacy (n) - ব্যক্তিগত ব্যাপার;
  • Search (v) - অনুসন্ধান করা;
  • Invitation (n) – আমন্ত্রণ;
  • Comment (n) - মন্তব্য;
  • Provide (v) - প্রদান করে দেয়;
  • Chat (v) - খোশ-গল্পকরা;
  • Awareness (n) - সতর্কতা;
  • Obscene (adj.) - বাজে, অশালীন;
  • Detail (n) - বিস্তারিত বর্ণনা;

Another One

Facebook is an internet-based social network connecting people worldwide and everybody who has an internet connection may have access to it. Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintaining social and friendly relationships between people living far and near. Any person wishing to be a Facebook member needs first to have an internet connection and to sign up with personal details and secret passwords to ensure privacy and security. Any person can search for their friends as well as near and dear ones online and can send invitations. If the invitation is once accepted they become friends in terms of Facebook and can share everything of each other stored in their Facebook. Facebook allows us to make numerous albums, upload photos and documents, and make friends with a lot of people. Any Facebook member can write comments on their status, one other member's status photos, etc. Facebook provides online chatting as well. With the help of Facebook, we can easily find long-lost friends as well as dear ones. It can increase awareness and share news among the members. However, Facebook has some disadvantages as well. Crooked people may upload obscene and objectionable photos and comments. Some evil-minded people and touts also use Facebook so as to hunt clients. Besides these negative aspects, Facebook is a great boon for IT.

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