Paragraph On A Stormy Night
Very bad weather with strong winds
and rain and often thunder and lightning is called a storm. When the storm occurs
in the dark of night we call the night a stormy night. It is a very fearful
night. It lashes tremendously at everything that lies in its way breaking and
sweeping away things with a strong force. It causes terrible havoc. Thick
clouds cover the whole sky. Deep darkness envelops the whole environment. Rain
pours torrentially. Sometimes it drizzles. Reals of thunder together with
flashes of lighting seize the people with fright and panic. They start prayers
seeking help from God to stop the scourge. There may be a pause now and then,
but this is followed by blasts of a greater force. Eventually, trees and plants
are uprooted, and the roofs of houses are blown off. The broken branches of the trees
and the multilateral corrugated tins swept away by the storm are scattered here
and there. The frightened people start to tremble with fear raising a hue and crying.
Their shouts and shrieks frighten the people all around. Gradually the storm
abates. The people come out with torches or hurricanes to see the havoc caused
by the storm. If the havoc is dangerous they start relieving operations. They
remove the broken branches and trees and other objects from their yards.
Sometimes help from government agencies becomes essential to repair the
losses. A stormy night can best be seen in the village rather than in the town.
It causes great suffering to the village people. So it is an accursed night
of fear and destruction.