Paragraph On Bangladesh in The 21st Century

Paragraph Bangladesh in The 21st Century We have passed about 48 years after independence but our achievements in the spheres of democracy and develop

 Paragraph On Bangladesh in The 21st Century

Paragraph On Bangladesh in The 21st Century

We have passed about 48 years after independence but our achievements in the spheres of democracy and development are totally disappointing. Our society with an underdeveloped political culture and illiterate and incompetent masses is lacking in democratic political organizations, instructions, and practices. In no sector, we can see a bright hope, a thin cloud is brewing over the sun of the 21st century. The prospects for a politically developed and financially successful nation are marked by people’s eagerness for democracy and progress. Politics has become corrupt. Politicians have destroyed the economy in collaboration with the donor countries. In the name of help, the donors have circumscribed our economy like an octopus that we can never be away from poverty. Poverty, fundamentalism, terrorism, and power crises are worsening the situation day by day. Social senses are full of despair. Politicians are creating criminals for their own ends, and young talented people have turned to hooliganism, rowdyism, and extortionist. The government uses law enforcement agencies for its own interest instead of using them to control the law and order situation. As a result law and order, situation is getting deteriorated day by day. Our young generations have become uncontrolled. They want to be rich in short-cut ways. This evil instinct has been prompted by evil politicians. One political party follows another political party. Thus there is no hope left for the nation in our political arena. But still, we hope for a better Bangladesh in the coming future.

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