Paragraph On Brain Drain

Paragraph Brain drain is a movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country where they can earn more money. Lured by the charm

 Paragraph On Brain Drain

Paragraph On Brain Drain

Brain drain is a movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country where they can earn more money. Lured by the charms of developed countries bright boys and girls leave their poor native lands and go abroad and after finishing their higher studies settle there. Often expert doctors, scientists, and engineers go abroad and work there for fat salaries and better service conditions. Owing to this brain drain the home country becomes a loser as it is deprived of the services of its better people. This happens when these people settle there permanently. But if they work there for a limited period and send money to their native land then the country is benefited by getting foreign exchange. And if the intelligent and skilled people leave the country for good then the poor native land becomes poorer indeed by losing its better sons. Effective steps should be taken to stop the brain drain.

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