Paragraph On Country Life

Paragraph Country Life is most desirable if we seek peace of mind. Country life means living in the villages. But now w village is not a comfortable

 Paragraph On Country Life

Paragraph On Country Life

Country life is most desirable if we seek peace of mind. Country life means living in the villages. But now w village is not a comfortable place to live in. Those who live in villages fall into three classes, namely, the rich, the middle class, and the toiling mass. The rich are very few because they turn away from the village and usually live in towns. Some of the middle-class people are landholders. But they do not cultivate the land themselves. They engage labourers who do all the work for them. The businessmen in the middle class are prosperous. The vast majority of the villagers belong to the toiling mass. They are poor peasants, landless labourers, artisans, blacksmiths, weavers, fishermen, and people engaged in other useful work. The village is, however, full of dirty politics. There are some shrewd people who keep up quarrels, rivalries, and litigations among different groups to extract some financial benefits from them. On the whole, the life of the villagers is a sad tale of woes and miseries. The village is generally the home of poverty, squalor, prejudice, illiteracy, disease, and death. But the importance of the village in our national life is very great. We must not forget that if the villages die out; the fate of our nation will be sealed forever. Villages must be reconstructed at any cost and village life should be restored to its former state.

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