Paragraph On Dangers of the Internet

Paragraph Dangers of the Internet The twentieth century is a period of wonderful development of science. Man has bought the world in his fist at the

 Paragraph On Dangers of the Internet

Paragraph On Dangers of the Internet

The twentieth century is a period of wonderful development of science. Man has bought the world in his fist at the present period by dint of his own effort. One of the unique contributions of this period is the internet. The Internet is the wonder of modern science and technology. This combined process of satellite technology and the computer has brought about an all-pervading possibility for human welfare. The darkness behind the light, the evil behind good is an experienced fact. In the same way, some abuses also lurk behind the innumerable uses of the internet. This is because the indecency and nakedness of the forbidden world of the internet have been leading our young generation to the bottomless pit of moral decadence. Blackmailing, virus infection, and stealing of information cause great harm to the users of computers. So we should be cautious about using the Internet. We should avoid evil and false receiving the good ones.

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