Paragraph On Freedom of Press and Democracy

Paragraph Freedom of Press and Democracy Freedom of the press means the rights of journalists to report events, express opinions and perform other pro

 Paragraph On Freedom of Press and Democracy

Paragraph On Freedom of Press and Democracy

Freedom of the press means the rights of journalists to report events, express opinions and perform other professional duties freely. The press is identified with newspapers. Its freedom is necessary. A free press is the symbol of a free nation. An independent, well-informed press may be a powerful medium. By this medium men can easily oppose the government’s failures and the faults of irresponsible administrators. But nowadays it is difficult for the press to be free. Newspaper is controlled by some financial magnate or it is the mouthpiece of a party and it must think as the party might direct. Many people think that there is no freedom of the press in our country. The main cause is that common people are in economic bondage and our government is ruled by the power of money and the press is controlled by some powerful persons. If the people are able to overcome their poverty and unemployment problem then they can be fearless critics of administrative misdeeds. It should be remembered that independent-minded editors should have the right of expression of their personal opinions but at the same time, it should also be remembered that they should not cross their limit. They must not publish scurrilous abuse.

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