Paragraph On IT Education in Bangladesh

Paragraph IT Education in Bangladesh Information technology or IT means the combination of all activities related to collecting, processing, storing

 Paragraph On IT Education in Bangladesh

Paragraph On IT Education in Bangladesh

Information technology or IT means the combination of all activities related to collecting, processing, storing, using, and transmitting data and information through the use of computers and communication networks. Bangladesh has a large number of opportunities to be a passenger on the information highway. If Bangladesh wishes to prosper in the knowledge-based economy of the future, it must develop its most abundant but neglected resource, its population with a dynamic and relevant education system. IT is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. It is largely dependent on human resources. There are some impediments to the development of the IT industry in Bangladesh such as the poor quality of Science, Mathematics, and English education in our country. The quality of science and IT teachers in our schools, colleges, universities, and other types of formal and informal institutions is very poor. Our country is very poor.  We notice a lack of employment demand from the IT sector. So, many people are going abroad for better opportunities. The government needs to formulate a nationwide education policy that will facilitate human resources development in IT. Special plans need to be formulated with the association of public funds in special cases. If we want to develop our IT industry, we must implement a coherent, coordinated action plan involving both the public and private sectors.

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