Paragraph On Moral Erosion

Paragraph Moral Erosion has now banished simple life and developed ideas from Bangladesh. It is becoming extreme day by day. Through the independence

 Paragraph On Moral Erosion

Paragraph On Moral Erosion

Moral erosion has now banished simple life and developed ideas from Bangladesh. It is becoming extreme day by day. Through the independence war of 1971, we have achieved the best thing – freedom. But at the same time, we lost the most valuable thing-morality. Our countrymen now prefer riches but not education and honour. Human character has been destroyed violently. By hook or by crook each and everyone wants to become rich. Thus, society is being destroyed. Ershad Shikdar was the greatest example of modern moral erosion. Terrorism, murder, hijacking, black money, child and female trafficking, acid throwing, unfair means in exams, leakage of questions, drug business, toll-extortion, adulteration of medicine and food, etc. have become daily affairs. None can protest. A peculiar and illegal competition is going on among people. In literature and culture, moral erosion is evident also. They mislead the young generation. Independence has widened human demands. Democratic culture has not grown up. A lack of modesty and respect towards others is evident. But this cannot be continued. The situation has to be changed if we are united against all criminal activities, all the barriers on the way of development can certainly be removed. We hope that the young generation will win all adversities. The nation waits for that better future. Moral generation must be brought about at any cost without further delay. 

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