Paragraph On Nor’wester
Nor’wester is one of the natural
calamities that often visit Bangladesh. Usually in the months of Baishakh and
Jaistha nor’wester occurs. It blows sometimes in a terrible form. This storm
often occurs at that time when the sky is covered with black clouds and heavy
wind blows. Children find pleasure in collecting mangoes under the mango trees.
Sometimes the nor ’wester comes along with hail storms. Children pick up the
hail and find pleasure in it. Sometimes it causes havoc beyond description.
Almost every year that comes within its sweep is destroyed or carried away.
Houses and buildings are blown down, and giant trees are uprooted. This causes much
harm to people. Our people have to struggle against this calamity and disaster.
But we cannot do much against this natural calamity. We only can make up for the
loss when the intensity of the nor‘wester is over.