Paragraph On Blood Bank

Paragraph On Blood Bank is a place where blood is stored for future use in hospitals. It is similar to a money bank where people deposit money and

 Paragraph On Blood Bank

Paragraph On Blood Bank

A blood bank is a place where blood is stored for future use in hospitals. It is similar to a money bank where people deposit money and draw it when necessary. But in a blood bank, the blood is not deposited in individual names. Mostly blood is donated voluntarily and those who donate blood are inspired by the noble spirit of charity and fellow-feeling. A blood bank is an indispensable part of a modern hospital. Patients who are injured or undergo major operations need blood without which their lives are in danger. The blood bank comes to help them and save their lives. The blood bank has listed donors. Besides, people inspired by noble spirit, donate blood on some public day or festival. But when receiving blood from the bank, it should be properly tested, because fatal diseases like AIDS, jaundice, etc. can spread through blood.

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