Paragraph On A Cultural Function I Have Attended

Paragraph On A Cultural Function I Have Attended cultural function is an important occasion that brings joy and relief in our dull routine life. We

 Paragraph On A Cultural Function I Have Attended


Paragraph On A Cultural Function I Have Attended

A cultural function is an important occasion that brings joy and relief in our dull routine life. We remember the thrill of the function for long afterward. Recently I attended a cultural function arranged by the Students Union of our college on the occasion of the prize-giving ceremony of the literary competition. It was, intact a warm and enjoyable function during the last season of winter. I took part in it with great enthusiasm and returned home with charm and satisfaction. After the distribution of the prizes by our principal, the cultural function began. It was held in the hall room of our college. Almost all the teachers and the students attended it. The function began with reciting from the Holy Quran. Then Nazrul and Rabindra's “sangeet” was rendered by the college students. The songs were interspersed with recitations from the poems of the two great poets. Then a group of artists from the local Lalon Parishad sang Baul songs which were highly appreciated by the audience. The function was rounded off with a patriotic song.

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