Paragraph On A Moonlit Night
A moonlit night is a night when the
full moon shines with the full beam in a cloudless clear sky. On a moonlit
night, the surrounding atmosphere is flooded with a beam of the moon. The moon
looks like a silvery disc. The whole world seems to be bathed with the silvery
light of the moon. Nature bears a wonderful look. It seems that the plants and
the trees are bathing in the flood of light. When the moonlit reflects in the
water, the water of the river seems to be dancing in joy. The flowers glitter in
the garden like pearls. Birds come out from their nest and fly about. People of
all ages enjoy a moonlit night. On a moonlit night, young boys play and little
boys and girls make merriment and amuse themselves. People can't sleep early
but enjoy the sight of the beautiful moon. In cities, people go to the roof and
pass the night gossiping. In villages, children come out and listen to the stories
of their grandparents. Poets of all languages have sung highly on a moonlit
night. A moonlit night is perfect for imagination and recreation. It loses the
dullness of night and thrills our hearts. It spreads a feeling of joy in all
objects of nature. Indeed, a moonlit night is pleasant and enjoyable.
শব্দের অর্থ:
- Moonlit (adjective) - চাঁদনী;
- Beam (noun) - আলোক রশ্মি;
- Cloudless (adjective) মেঘহীন;
- Surrounding (adjective) – পার্শ্ববর্তী;
- Atmosphere (noun) – বায়ুমন্ডল;
- Silvery (adjective) – রুপালী;
- Nature (noun) – প্রকৃতি;
- Bear (verb) - অভ্যন্তরে ধারণ করা;
- Wonderful (adjective) - অপূর্ব, বিস্ময়কর;
- Reflect (verb) - প্রতিফলিত করা;
- Glitter (verb) - চিক্চক করা, ঝলমল করা;
- Pearls (noun) – মুক্তা;
- Merriment (noun) - আনন্দ, উল্লাস, ফুর্তি;
- Amuse (verb) মজা করে সময় কাটানো, আনন্দ করা;
- Gossiping (noun) – খোশগল্প;
- Grandparents (noun) – দাদা-দাদী;
- Perfect (adjective) – নিখুঁত, যথাযথ;
- Imagination (noun) – কল্পনা;
- Recreation (noun) - চিত্তবিনোদন, বিনোদন, আমোদপ্রমোদ;
- Dullness (noun) - নিস্তেজতা, নিষ্প্রভতা, নির্জীবতা;
- Thrill (verb) - রোমাঞ্চিত করা বা হওয়া, শিহরিত করা বা
- Spread (verb) - ছড়িয়ে দেয়া, ছড়িয়ে পড়া, বিস্তৃত করা বা হওয়া;
- Pleasant (adjective) আনন্দদায়ক, আরামপ্রদ, মনোরম;
- Enjoyable (adjective) উপভোগ্য;
Another One
A moonlit night means a
night when the moon floods the earth with her silvery light. A moonlit night
presents a charming aspect. The moon looks like a disc of silver. From the
background of the azure, she looks simply enhancing. Sometimes she plays hide and
seek behind the silken flake of clouds. The hosts of twinkling stars
surrounding her make the sky a fairyland. Rivers, canals, and tanks contain the
splendid piece of the sky with the moon and the stars in their open bosoms. The
trees and plants, crops and creepers – all appear bright and glistening. Such
beauty thrills the people and other creatures on earth with an ecstasy of joy.
Children make merry playing games like blind man’s bluff. Old people come out
and sit together in groups to gossip and tell stories. The poets are moved with
pulsation of delight and compose poems. Some birds come out of their nests and
hover around. Even some beasts leave their folds and run hither and thither. A
moonlit night is, in fact, a night of exquisite beauty and joy.