Paragraph On A Rainy Day

Paragraph On A Rainy Day the sky remains overcast with clouds. The sun is not visible. It looks dull and dismal all around. It pours and drizzles

Paragraph On A Rainy Day

Paragraph On A Rainy Day

A rainy day is a day of rain and thunderstorms. It rains ceaselessly all day long. In our country, a rainy day is a common scene during the rainy season. It is a dull and gloomy day. The sky is overcast with patches of black clouds and the sun remains hidden behind them. The weather is foul. Sometimes, gusty wind blows with rain. Rivers, canals, and tanks swell up. Roads and paths get muddy and slippery. Water stands here and there. Normal life is disrupted due to heavy rain. The common people cannot attend their respective places in time. If anybody wants to go outside, he has to take an umbrella with him. The poor and the day labourers do not like a rainy days. They cannot go out to earn their living. Their suffering knows no bounds. They go on starving. Homeless people, who need to sleep in the street don't get any shelter to spend their night. It is very hard for them. But a rainy day is enjoyable for the children. They do not need to go to school. They play indoor games and pass the time happily. Those who have the imaginary bent of mind enjoy the beauty of nature being drenched in rain. A rainy day has a good effect on the soil. It helps plants grow, flowers bloom and nature looks fresh and beautiful. However, a rainy day is welcomed after the baking heat of summer.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Thunderstorm (noun) – বজ্রবিদ্যুৎপূর্ণ, ঝড়বৃষ্টি, বজ্রঝড়;
  • Ceaselessly (adverb) – অবিরাম, অবিরত;
  • Dull (adjective) - মেঘাচ্ছন্ন, অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন, নিষ্প্রভ;
  • Gloomy (adjective) - বিষণ্ণ, তমসাচ্ছন্ন, অন্ধকারময়;
  • Overcast (verb) মেঘাচ্ছতন্ন করা, তমসাবৃত করা, ঢেকে ফেলা;
  • Patch (noun) – জোড়াতালি;
  • Remain (verb) – থাকা;
  • Hidden (adverb) - গোপন, লুক্কায়িত, গুপ্ত;
  • Weather (noun) – আবহাওয়া;
  • Foul (adjective) - দুর্যোগপূর্ণ, ঝোড়ো, প্রতিকূল;
  • Gusty (adjective) - দমকা, ঝোড়ো;
  • Swell up (verb) - ফুঁসে উঠা, উছলানো;
  • Muddy (adjective) – কর্দমাক্ত;
  • Slippery (adjective) – পিচ্ছিল;
  • Normal (adjective) – স্বাভাবিক;
  • Disrupt (verb) - ব্যাহত করা, বিপর্যস্ত করা;
  • Respective (adjective) – নিজ নিজ স্ব-স্ব, যার যার;
  • Knows no bounds (phrase) - সীমা থাকে না;
  • Starving (adjective) – ক্ষুধার্ত, অনাহারী;
  • Homeless (adjective) – গৃহহীন, নিরাশ্রয়;
  • Shelter (noun) – আশ্রয়;
  • Spend (verb) - অতিবাহিত করা, ব্যয় করা;
  • Enjoyable (adjective) – উপভোগ্য;
  • Imaginary (adjective) – কাল্পনিক;
  • Bent (noun) - ঝোঁক, টান;
  • Nature (phrase) – প্রকৃতি;
  • Drench (verb) – সিক্ত করা;
  • Effect (noun) – প্রভাব, ফলাফল, পরিণতি;
  • Baking (phrase) - অতিতপ্ত, কাঠফাটা;


Another One


On a rainy day, the sky remains overcast with clouds. The sun is not visible. It looks dull and dismal all around. It pours and drizzles continuously around the clock. Along with the sharp showers, thunder roars, lightning flashes, and a strong wind blow. Rivers, canals, and tanks swell up; roads and paths get muddy and submerged; the pedestrians with umbrellas overhead have to move with care and caution. All work remains practically suspended. Students cannot go to madrasahs, and the few who go become drenched and come back home shivering with a break-up on account of the rainy day. The labourers and wage-earners are hard hit on a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their livelihood. But even the tenor of rain striking upon the tin roofs and window panes gives one a poetic mood. A rainy day is, after all, a day of confinement at home.

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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