Paragraph On A Street Beggar

Paragraph On A Street Beggar is a person who begs from one street to another to earn his bread and butter. With a bowl in hand or a bag hanging from

 Paragraph On A Street Beggar

Paragraph On A Street Beggar

A street beggar is a person who begs from one street to another to earn his bread and butter. With a bowl in hand or a bag hanging from his shoulder, he begs from person to person. He tries to rouse our pity by describing loudly his tale of sorrows and the great virtue of giving alms. Some people being compassionate give him a coin but people generally feel disturbed by his loud pitiful cries. But he complains against none. Some beggars stand or sit on the footpath and beg by singing or uttering a few words. In the urban areas, the street beggars have no permanent house of their own. He lives on the veranda of some public building or in the marketplace. But in the rural areas, he possesses a small dilapidated hut. He is the humblest person in the society. He is physically weak and often crippled, blind, or very old. He lives at the mercy of others, so he has no prestige. The only aim of his life is to get a meal and if he gets it he is happy. So it’s all our duty not to look down upon him and stretch out our hands to help him. Besides government should take some effective steps to rehabilitate street beggars.

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