Paragraph On A Tea Stall
Ordinarily, a tea stall is a small shop
where tea is prepared and sold. Everybody knows a tea stall. There is hardly
anyone who does not visit it. Biscuits and other snacks are also kept for the
customer to eat at the time of drinking tea. It opens very early in the morning
and closes very late at night. It is found in every nook and corner of a
village as well as in a town or a city. It is, in fact, a place for gossip,
rest, and recreation. It is frequented by weary passers-by, tired office
assistants, fatigued labourers, exhausted rickshaw pullers, as well as students and political workers. They go on gossiping in groups on any kind
of subject. It is, in fact, a pleasure resort for people of all age groups and
of all walks of life. The quality and standard of tea stalls vary from place to
place according to the status of the locality where they are run.