Paragraph On The 21st February Or The International Mother Language Day

Paragraph The 21st February Or The International Mother Language Day It is also a very significant day in the history of our national life. In 1952

Paragraph On The 21st of February
The International Mother Language Day

Paragraph On The 21st February Or The International Mother Language Day

Mother tongue is a divine gift. From the holy Quran, we come to know that the most merciful Almighty has bestowed a mother tongue upon each and every caste, creed, and colour. Mother tongue is, so important that the people of a country express their ideas, thoughts, feelings emotions, etc. clearly through the mother tongue. But it is an irony of fate that the then rulers of Pakistan tried to impose Urdu as their mother tongue upon us instead of Bangla. But the people of our country raised their voices against this unlawful decision. Some of the heroic sons came forward and sacrificed their glorious lives for the cause of our mother tongue on the 21st of February 1952. Since then this day has been called the Shaheed Dibash. Every year we remember this day with solemnity and pay them profound tribute. Now it is a great pleasure for us that. UNESCO has announced February 21 as the International Mother Language Day to be observed globally in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for establishing the rightful place of Bangla. It is a great tribute and glowing homage paid by the international community to the Language martyrs of Bangladesh. The sacrifices of all the martyrs for championing the cause of their mother tongue have received now glorious recognition from the people of the world.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Divine (adj.) - স্বর্গীয়;
  • Tongue (n) - জিহ্বা;
  • Caste (n) - জাত, বর্ণ, জাতি;
  • Creed (n) - ধর্ম, ধর্মবিশ্বাস, ধর্মমত;
  • Express (v) – প্রকাশ করা;
  • Emotion (n) - আবেগ;
  • An irony of fate - ভাগ্যের নির্মম পরিহাস;
  • To impose (inf.) - চাপিয়ে দিতে;
  • Instead of (ph.) - পরিবর্তে;
  • Raise (n) - তোলা;
  • Unlawful decision - বেআইনী সিদ্ধান্ত;
  • Heroic son – বীর সন্তান;
  • Glorious life - গৌরবময় জীবন;
  • Solemnity (n) - ভাবগাম্ভীর্য;
  • Profound tribute - গভীর শ্রদ্ধা;
  • Announce (v) - ঘোষণা দেয়;
  • Globally (adv.) - বিশ্বব্যাপী;
  • Recognition (n.) - স্বীকৃতি;
  • Glowing homage - জাজ্বল্যশ্রদ্ধা;
  • Martyr (n) – শহীদ;

Another One

21st February is the International Mother Language Day. It is also a very significant day in the history of our national life. In 1952 when the Pakistani regime declared Urdu as the state language disregarding Bangla, our mother tongue, many Bengalese sacrificed their lives to establish our mother tongue. Since then we observe this day with respect and solemnity to pay tribute to these martyrs. Recently the recognition of the day as International Mother Language Day has marked a new epoch in our national history. It is a glorious year in our national history. The sacrifice of lives for the sake of language is a rare event in the history of the world. So it is our great achievement that from now on the whole world will observe the day (21st February) as the International Mother Language Day. This global recognition is the best reward for the martyrs. In the 30th General Assembly of UNESCO in 1999 the proposal to recognize 21st February as International Mother Language Day has been unanimously passed. And we celebrate this recognition of nationality on 8th December of the year 1999.

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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