Paragraph On Tsunami

Paragraph Tsunami The term “Tsunami” has come from the Japanese words “tsu” meaning “harbor” and “nami” meaning “wave”. Tsunami is an extremely large

 Paragraph On Tsunami

Paragraph On Tsunami

The term “Tsunami” has come from the Japanese words “tsu” meaning “harbor” and “nami” meaning “wave”. Tsunami is an extremely large wave in the sea caused by an earthquake. It is a large-scale natural disaster created by the earthquake at the seabed. The tidal wave caused by the tsunami submerges the sea basin area and sweep away innumerable men, animal, houses, trees, etc. At present tsunami is said to be a monster for the earth, especially after the two most recent ever seen havoc caused by tsunami. On 26 December 2004 into the South East Asian countries, the tsunami is seen first in its horrible nature, which was so tyrannical that it altered the regional map, killing around 230 thousand people with gigantic devastation in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Again, just after 6 years of those fierce destructions, a killer tsunami surged across the rising sun, Japan, emerged from a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake on 11th March 2011 and washes away thousands of lives, and houses and roll over the valuable infrastructures of many a city. Kunihiko Shimazaki, a University of Tokyo, is trying to forecast the tsunami attack probability and it is expected to be possible from 2020.

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