Paragraph On Our College Common Room

Paragraph Our College Common Room Like a college library, a common room is very essential for a college. In a college library, we can read books and

 Paragraph On Our College Common Room

Paragraph On Our College Common Room

A common room is a very important part of an educational institute. It is a place of recreation, rest, and amusement. The students come here to find pleasure. It gives them relief from the stress and strain of continuous lessons. Our college has a large common room. It is on the ground floor of our main academic building. It is adjacent to our college canteen. When we get a class break, we go there to gossip and spend time with friends. Our college common room is furnished with a long table for playing table tennis, small tables and chairs for playing chess and the relevant sports goods. The students play their caroms, chess, table tennis, etc. in their off periods. Some students go there only to watch games. Sometimes, student leaders address general students to make them aware of their problems. There are daily newspapers and magazines in our common room. Many students read them to keep them well informed about the world today. Sometimes we do fun activities too. Every year our college authority arranges an indoor sports competition in this room. We celebrated one of our favourite teachers' birthday there last year. Our common room is a nice and useful place indeed. We are proud of such a common room in our college.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Recreation (noun) – বিনোদন, চিত্তবিনোদন, আমোদপ্রমোদ;
  • Rest (noun) – বিশ্রাম;
  • Amusement (noun) - আমোদপ্রমোদ, ক্রীড়াকৌতুক;
  • Pleasure (noun) - আনন্দ, খুশী, আমোদ;
  • Relief (noun) – উপশম, মুক্তি, পরিত্রাণ;
  • Stress (noun) – চাপ;
  • Strain (noun) - শক্তিক্ষয়, ক্লান্তি;
  • Continuous (adjective) – একটানা, ক্রমাগত, অবিচ্ছিন্ন;
  • Academic (adjective) – কেতাবী;
  • Adjacent to (phrase) – সংলগ্ন;
  • Break (noun) – বিরতি;
  • Gossip (verb) - খোশগল্প করা;
  • Spend (verb) - অতিবাহিত করা, ব্যায় করা;
  • Furnish with (phrase) – সজ্জিত করা;
  • Chess (noun) – দাবা;
  • Relevant (adjective) – প্রাসঙ্গিক;
  • Watch (verb) – দেখা;
  • Address (verb) - ভাষণ দেয়া, বক্তৃতা দেয়া;
  • Aware (adjective) - সচেতন, অবগত, সতর্ক;
  • Well informed (phrase) - ভালোভাবে অবগত, উত্তমরূপে ওয়াকিবহাল;
  • Authority (noun) – কর্তৃপক্ষ;
  • Arrange (verb) - আয়োজন করা;
  • Indoor sports competition (phrase) – আভ্যন্তরীণ ক্রীড়া প্রতিযোগিতা;
  • Celebrate (verb) – উদযাপন করা;
  • Favourite (adjective) – প্রিয়;
  • Indeed (adverb) – প্রকৃতপক্ষে;


Another One


Like a college library, a common room is very essential for a college. In a college library, we can read books and magazines and enhance our knowledge. In a college common room, we can read, play, and gossip. A college common room is part and parcel of a college. In our college, we have a spacious common room. It is housed on the 2nd floor. It is well-decorated with chairs, tables, and almirahs. There is a large table set for tennis. We have almost all the facilities here. We can play different indoor games like chess, carom, ludo, table tennis, etc. We can enjoy reading journals, newspapers, magazines, etc. both in English and Bangla. However, it serves as a good training ground for our academic college life. Thus, it comes to our great help. Here we get facilities for both physical and mental recreation and amusements. We hope the college common room will gradually be enriched with a collection of articles like TV, computer, telephone set, etc. We like our common room very much.

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