Paragraph On Qualities of a Good Student

Paragraph Qualities of a Good Student must possess some qualities and these qualities make him different from other students. The student who is since

 Paragraph On Qualities of a Good Student

Paragraph On Qualities of a Good Student

A good student must possess some qualities and these qualities make him different from other students. The student who is sincere in the study, good by nature, modest in behaviour, honest in thought and action, obedient to parents, teachers, and superiors, and disciplined inhabit, is a good student. He gives due importance to acquiring knowledge and attaining all the good qualities. He performs his duties to God, to his parents, and to society. A good student maintains the rules of health and performs his religious activities. He is sociable and hard-working. He loves his country. He actively takes part in games and sports and other co-curricular activities. He has also much interest in doing social work. He makes proper use of his time and never shirks his duties. He is a law-abiding citizen. He devotes himself fully to gaining knowledge. He cultivates all the virtues and holds values in him. A good student fixes up a noble him. He gives top priority to molding his character, leads a disciplined life strictly, and never indulges in evil thoughts. He spends a great deal of time in the acquisition of knowledge. He knows that knowledge is the secret to success. A good student does not dabble in politics which is responsible for most of the ills of the youth nowadays. He bears in mind that student life is the time of preparation for struggle ahead-not the time for actual struggle. In a word, a good student should reflect all the good qualities and presents him as a role model for other students.

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