Paragraph On Tax Evasion

Paragraph Tax Evasion is one kind of money that the citizens of a country pay to the government without expecting any direct benefit. It is a compulso

 Paragraph On Tax Evasion

Paragraph On Tax Evasion

Tax is one kind of money that the citizens of a country pay to the government without expecting any direct benefit. It is a compulsory payment. The government of a country spends a lot with a view to running different public sectors such as education, defense, administration, loan and interest, agriculture, relief and rehabilitation, health and population control, social welfare, transport and communication, judiciary, public development, etc. So they impose taxes on people for public services. But corrupt people often avoid taxes by adopting unfair means. Some rich people transfer their properties to wives and children. Some make trusts, WAKF estates, private companies, etc. Some industrialists turn interests into capital to show less tax to the govt. some dishonest businessmen adopt various tricks like instant sales, showing false expenses and low sales, preserving false account books, etc. Our government has no proper statistics about their real income and ability to pay taxes. Our revenue department has a reputation for not being honest and skilled. Often the officials are prone to corruption and nepotism. To remove mismanagement in the tax sector the government and the educated people have to work hand in hand. Tax imposers, tax collectors, and taxpayers – everyone should be conscious about the importance of taxes. Above all, people must be imbued with the true love of religion so that they become respectful of the laws of the country to run it towards success.

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