Paragraph On Technical Education

Paragraph Technical Education is the root of all progress and development. Nowadays technical education is the main factor to improve our basic educat

 Paragraph On Technical Education

Paragraph On Technical Education

Education is the root of all progress and development. Nowadays technical education is the main factor to improve our basic education. Education is to train the young men and women of a country so that they may be able to guide their nation easily in the light of their ideals when they begin an active life. But the system of education in our country is faulty. It does not aim at this practical aspect, because it is, for the most part academic, theoretical, and bookish. It fails to produce a confident and self-directing man. So when he enters practical life at the close of his academic career he faces the problems and complexities of the world. He is to depend upon others as his guides in the wide sea of life. The university degree does not make him capable of learning enough to earn his livelihood. Such educated unemployed or ill-employed citizens really worsen the problem of unemployment in a free state. Vocational education aims at making a person fit for a particular vocation in life by imparting both theoretical and practical knowledge. The object is to provide young learners with a sure foothold in the battle of life. With this end in view, the education system in our country should be replanned and readjusted to the need of society. It should make provision for the technical institutions where pupils may have a bread-earning education without being unnecessary burdens to the country.

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