Paragraph On Ways of Fighting Corruption

Paragraph On Ways of Fighting Corruption It is true that corruption is rampant everywhere in our country. Now fighting against corruption in the cryin

 Paragraph On Ways of Fighting Corruption

Paragraph On Ways of Fighting Corruption

It is true that corruption is rampant everywhere in our country. Now fighting against corruption in the crying need time. We can fight against corruption in many ways. First, strict laws against corruption must be formulated. Mere making laws are not enough. Laws should be enforced strictly. Anyone irrespective of power and rank and social position must be given exemplary punishment if he is found involved in corruption. Then nobody will dare to indulge in corruption. People must have access to information. Citizen charter is another way of reducing corruption. E-governance can also diminish corruption. If people become aware of their rights and facilities through electronic media, the government or private employees will not be able to take advantage of their ignorance. Besides, people’s awareness is needed to fight against corruption. We must boycott the corrupt Persons. We must not elect corrupt persons in the national poll. We must inculcate moral and religious values to the children. They must learn to hate corruption from their early life. The drive against corruption must be continued throughout the year. Moreover, Anti-corruption Commission must be allowed to work independently. And lastly, we must change our attitude. The spirit of patriotism should be installed in the minds of the people. In short, these are some of the ways of fighting corruption. We have to be conscious of it truly.

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