Essay On Drug Addiction

Essay Drug Addiction (মাদকাসক্তি) Intoxication (মাদকের বিষক্রিয়া) or drug means some of the things of drugs that elate (উল্লসিত করা) or excite a man

 Essay Drug Addiction (মাদকাসক্তি)

Essay Drug Addiction (মাদকাসক্তি)

Introduction:  Intoxication (মাদকের বিষক্রিয়া) or drug means some of the things of drugs that elate (উল্লসিত করা) or excite a man beyond self-control. Derailed of frustrated persons are addicted to these intoxicating things or drugs and have created severe personal and national problems. It must be stopped for our massive (সার্বিক) development.

Main intoxicate or drugs: Our poor Bangladesh has been, to some extent, victimized by the heinous (ক্ষতিকর) drugs or intoxications. The main intoxications or drugs taken in our country are wine, opium, hemp (গাঁজা), heroin, morphine, and whatnot. Wine, opium, and hemp are forbidden (নিষিদ্ধ) in our society.

Drugs and our country: Drugs that crate abnormality (অস্বাভাবিকতা) have been banned in our country. Wine and of her stimulating (উত্তেজিত) things are prohibited. Heroin and morphine are restricted (নিষিদ্ধ) drugs. Heroin is a very costly drug. It is very dangerous too. These days this expensive and dangerous drug is being smuggled (অবৈধভাবে আসা) on a large scale and has created an alarming situation.

The medical value of heroin:  Heroin is a narcotic drug prepared from morphine. It is used usually to cause, sleep or relieve pain. It has great medical value.

Dangerous of Taking drugs: The dangers of taking drugs can’t be written in a typical essay. It is full of pernicious (ক্ষতিকর) effects. The man who takes intoxicants is elated or excited for a moment. He may be in dreamland for a short time while in an abnormal condition. It harms the stomach, liver, pancreas, and brain cells of the person who is addicted to them. The dangers of drug totally annihilate (সম্পূর্ণ ধ্বংস করা) the addicted. It must be discarded. All should be conscious of it.

Causes of addiction: there are many causes of drug addiction. It is known to us that taking drugs is a bad habit. This bad habit is formed through bad association. Frustration (হতাশা) is another cause of this addiction. Defeat in the struggle of life and unemployment (বেকার সমস্যা) problem create frustration and to forget the burden of life they become addicted to drugs. It is really regretful (অনুতাপের বিষয়) that people are misguided and become frustrated. It must be stopped by the conscious people.

Expedition against drugs: Many conscious people have started an expedition (অভিযান) against drugs to present us with a happy society. Their measures in this respect are really extollable (প্রশংসনীয়).  They have engaged themselves in making addicted and non-addicted people understand the bad effects of drugs. They have also established different organizations for the smooth recreation (বিনোদন) of addicted people.

Government steps:  With a view to saving the derailed persons and the young generation, all kinds of drugs must be banned with immediate (ত্বরিৎ) effect. The drugs mustn’t be sold on the open market. These drugs must be under the direct control of registered doctors who will use them if and when they are necessary. It is expected that government must be advanced and conscious of taking effective measures hurriedly (দ্রুততার সঙ্গে).


Conclusion: In fine, it can be said that effective measures must be adopted in solving the unemployment problem. Bad association (কুসঙ্গ) should be avoided. Parents and guardians should give more and special attention to the activities of their children. If all these things are done, the problem will be solved. We want to have a healthy nation that is free from all kinds of addiction and drugs and intoxication.

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