Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone or Merits and Demerits of Mobile Phone
Introduction: A mobile phone is a
telephone that works by radio without any wires and can be carried and used
anywhere. The introduction of the mobile phone has made our life easy and
comfortable. We can send news to our near and dear ones very shortly sitting in
offices, residences in hotels, and hostels. The world is getting smaller in circumference
due to the rapid expansion of mobile phones. Now man feels each other very
closely in terms of the exchange of views, information, and counselling through the
blessings of mobile phone.
A revolution in the communication sector:
Advancement of modern civilization by the extensive and available use of mobile
phones. Communication is the prime factor for ensuring global development and
this is possible for a number of devices like ultramodern vehicles, cellular
phones, and at the latest, mobile phones. In education, technical sector,
offices, industrial sectors, information sectors above all, global
communication mobile phone plays a very vital role. All professionals depend on
mobile phones to keep in close contact with one another for any urgent issue. A
mobile phone set is easily portable to any distance.
Mobile phone reduces uncertainty,
doubt, painful waiting, and lengthy process of correspondence and consultation. As
a result, life becomes speedy and busy and a revolutionary change is brought
about in all spheres of life.
A doctor can communicate with the
patient in a very short time. A man can communicate with his near and dear ones
from his living place wherever he is. A customer may review his choice, a
consumer may order his desired goods, and a husband may consult his wife
regarding shopping by way of using the mobile phone. A cellular phone is an easier
means of interaction with people but a mobile phone is far easier for distant
communication. A businessman finds it more useful and effective to run his
business smoothly.
Demerits: Despite numerous advantages
and merits of mobile phones sometimes it becomes the cause of health hazard to
the users. Especially minor children are especially affected. Scientists believe
that mobile phone causes brain tumors, genetic damage, and many incurable
diseases. They believe that the invisible uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile
phones causes irreparable damage to the human body. They say that the government should
control radioactive sources (both ionized and non-ionized). It is true that
millions of people are getting benefits but if a user continues his or her conversation
more than two minutes, the blood-brain barrier gets damaged. The blood pressure
gets high and red blood cells (RBC) are damaged if a person gets continued
exposure to radiation caused by a mobile phone. Using mobile phones is also
harmful to pregnant women. So Bangladesh government should have an official
ban on using mobile phones by children and pregnant women.
Conclusion: Nowadays a mobile phone is
working as a friend and a guide to politicians and businessmen. It is costly. So,
all men cannot afford to use it. Only the rich are able to use this kind of
phone. Steps should be taken so that each and everybody can afford to use this
mobile phone throughout the country.