Email About The Importance of Attending Multimedia Class Regularly

Write an email to her as an advice on the importance of attending multimedia class regularly.


Email About The Importance of Attending Multimedia Class Regularly


Subject: Importance of attending multimedia class regularly.

Dear Maha,

You know that our country is prospering (অভ্যুথান / বৃদ্ধিশীল) at a great speed (গতি). The government has introduced (উপস্থাপিত / প্রচারিত) multimedia classrooms in order to ensure (নিশ্চিত করা) digitalization in all sectors. I have learnt from mother that you are not interested (আগ্রহী) in your multimedia classes. The most important thing about these classes is that they present the lessons in an attractive (আকর্ষনীয় / চিত্তাকর্ষক) way. An audio visual presentation (উপহার / উপস্থাপিত বস্তু / বর্ণনা) will easily teach you any topic. Therefore, you must shake off your indifference (অনিচ্ছা / অনীহা / অমনোযোগিতা) to multimedia sessions and concentrate (মনোনিবেশ করা / একত্র করা) fully for your better understanding. If you cannot accept (গ্রহণ করা / স্বীকার করা) digitalized education, you will be alone in this world. So, better for you to keep pace (গতি / পদক্ষেপ) with the world.

Your elder brother


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