Essay On Students and Social Services

Essay Students and Social Services or The Duties of a Student “Society is a corporate or co-operative body, a voluntary association of individuals for

 Essay on Students and Social Services 
The Duties of a Student
Essay On Students and Social Services or The Duties of a Student

Introduction: “Society is a corporate or co-operative body, a voluntary association of individuals for common ends” – Webster. It contains all classes of people where they enjoy individual liberty under common interest. Students are also a class by themselves. They comprise a large portion of the society. As social beings students enjoy certain rights and privileges of society. As members of a society, they cannot remain blind to their duties to society.

The primary duty of students: The primary duty of a student is contemplation which stimulates him to study regularly. So students should not waste their time, energy, and faculties in fields other than education and learning.

Voluntary services of students: Achieving good and serviceable education is the main duty of a student. Apart from this, they have some social duties. They have to come forward with the hands of their help and cooperation during a national crisis. They should play their role in rendering services to society.

Social services during vacations: Education is the primary duty of a student. So a student should not always remain preoccupied with social work. He should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations. During long vacations, the students can go in batches to the villages and help the people understand the various aspects of our national development projects. They may start night schools to teach the illiterate or adult people. They convince the farmers of the utility of modern methods of cultivation and through practical demonstration show the use of fertilizers.

The role of students in population control: The alarming growth of the population is a great threat to the existence of our nation. If population is allowed to increase unchecked and unrestricted our economic security will be at stake. The students may come forward to convince illiterate people of our country of the necessity of family planning removing their prejudice and superstitions.

During natural calamities: During natural calamities like famine, epidemics floods, etc. students may come forward with the hands of their help to render services to the distressed. They can raise funds collectively from the public and distribute them among the distressed.

Their role in building up the country: Our country wishes to be developed by being assisted by fresh and brilliant students. So the students should be devoted to their duties disregarding bad habits. We must remember that the student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. He must train himself to be a man who will exercise the rights and bear the responsibilities of a free citizen. He will have to fight for his country in war and govern it along progressive lines in peace.

Conclusion: Students are the future leaders of the nation. So they have many duties apart from education and learning. Their social service must be effectuated accordingly in order to ameliorate the nation.

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