The World as a Global Village or Globalization
Introduction: It is told wisely and
consciously that globalization stands for a worldwide working policy. So it has
become a buzzword in the new era of international relations. Globalization is
now only what technology makes possible.
Basis of Globalization: Globalization
is now largely based on a strong foundation. The electronic transfer of
information via the internet has now created an interconnected world of
information resulting from a 24-hour trading network. This technology is
mainly changing banking and financial activities. Worldwide money transfer and
transaction of business have now become a matter of clicking the mouse of a
computer. Five out of every six dollars that move in the world economy today
travel through the electronic medium. Some products like software and TV
programmes are also amenable to digital or electronic transmission. Goods and
articles can easily and adequately be bought and sold through electronic screens.
Its Impacts: Although globalization is
mainly connected with business, trade and international relations, it can no
longer be viewed from that perspective alone. The tide of globalization is now
entering into other spheres too. Satellite TV channels and the internet are
bringing all sorts of different customs and behaviours into our homes. Under the
present influence of globalization global cultures are steadily getting mixed.
Every independent nation of this global village has its own traditional social
values, beliefs and attitudes. But in the globalizing process, many foreign
customs and beliefs are getting mixed with them.
The exploited labourers: The idea of global trade which existed in
capitalism has now become universal. Taking the idea of globalization, capitalism seems to be winning much creating opportunities for the capitalist
countries rather than developing ones. The industrially developed capitalist
countries in the name of help are cruelly exploiting the cheap labour available
in poorer countries. The global strategy of development promises greater
employment opportunities to the people of poor countries and similarly, it also
promises to offer high returns to capital.
Global treatment: The exploited and
poor workers of developing countries are no match for globalizing
powerful capitalism. Hence the gap between wealth and poverty is ever widening. Genuinely
speaking, globalization has put people on the same vessel but in different
cabins. Only a trifling minority of people are travelling in luxurious cabins
furnished with modern amenities. They have access to nutritious food, pure
drinking water, advanced Medicare and a life of luxury.
Global language: Globalization needs a
common language for international communication. English with its many
different reasons has achieved the honour of being the international language.
It has already crossed the national borders to reach people who speak their
languages. World English has now moved away from the control of its native
speakers. “Global English is neither British nor American” – goes a fun all
over the global village.
Usefulness: Basically, globalization is
a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a
borderless market. But it has had a far-reaching effect on many aspects of
life. With the development of hi-tech communication, media and rapid
transportation facilities, the world has come closer. We can now learn in an
instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world like families in
a village. They can even share their joys and sorrows like next-door
Conclusion: In fact, globalization can
bring happiness for everyone when all people of the world can travel in the
same vessel in the same cabin without any distinction between caste and creed.