Essay On Perseverance

Essay Perseverance is the other name of success. Perseverance means to attempt again and again to do anything with a view to gaining success. Success

 Perseverance Essay

Essay On Perseverance

Introduction: Perseverance is the other name of success. Perseverance means to attempt again and again to do anything with a view to gaining success. Success in anything needs untiring zeal and effort with concentration. The successful figures have achieved success by dint of perseverance.

Necessity: None can achieve success in the world without Perseverance. Hence it is essential in worldly life. There is hardly any sector or sphere in life where perseverance does not play a significant role. All the beautiful, useful and beneficial things have been gained by virtue of it. So it is a key to success in the advancement of human civilization. Man’s life on earth is not a bed of roses. There is danger at every step. Man can overcome these obstructions and difficulties through perseverance. Since life needs success, likewise success needs perseverance.

Perseverance in student life: An idle and inattentive student cannot gain education. Even a common student by dint of perseverance can acquire an education better than an inattentive talented one. A maxim goes, “Don’t give up anything for the future but try once again”. If a student fails to memorize an essay at one time, he should read it again and again memorize it without being nervous or faltering.

In the case of a farmer: A farmer can achieve success in producing crops by virtue of it lest he should be unsuccessful. Perseverance does not indicate undergoing hard labour. It encourages a man to attempt for a work as a rule with regularity.

In national life: Perseverance has no alternative or substitute in national life. It is necessary in an individual life as it is in national life. Its necessity can under no circumstance be ignored. The citizens of a nation must be active, diligent, hardworking, painstaking and regular working for the well-being of themselves and the nation as well. The citizens should be energetic, and enthusiastic to work in a very united way for the betterment of the nation.

Perseverance and merit: Merit and perseverance are not the same things. These two things are found in two different ways. Many a time, these two things are reciprocally related. Merit without perseverance can do little in the field of success. But perseverance without merit can do much. Newton, the great scientist, commented, “There is no word being merit. It can be overcome or surpassed with regular labour and perseverance”. A plan can be planned, and a profile can be prepared by utilizing the brain but the plan and profile cannot be implemented without any further attempts. So it is learnt that merit is abstract and perseverance is practical. So a frequent trial for doing anything brings success or a positive result.

A man of perseverance: An instance can be cited here – King Robert Bruce was defeated about a few times in a battle. But he did not lag behind or give up hopes and aspirations. He did not lose heart. He made frantic efforts again and again and following the example of a spider in climbing the roof, he got inspired and fought with firm determination and courage. Just at seventh time, he succeeded. Napoleon presents an excellent instance of perseverance. Rabindranath Tagore, Nazrul Islam, AK Fazlul Huq and Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose succeed in both national and individual life by virtue of perseverance.

In the absence of perseverance: No great work can be done without perseverance. A man having no perseverance cannot succeed in any work. His ruin or destruction is certain. History does not bear his name. He is not remembered by anyone even in his lifetime or death.

Conclusion: Perseverance is a satisfactory method and it makes a man of perseverance ever memorable. A proverb goes, “God helps those who help themselves”. It is a noble virtue that leads a man towards success. Hence all of us should be the men of Perseverance.

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