Essay On Population Problem in Bangladesh

Essay Population Problem in Bangladesh is over head and ears of the problem of over population. It is a tiny country in South Asia. In respect of popu

 Essay On Population Problem in Bangladesh

Essay On Population Problem in Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is over head and ears of the problem of over population. It is a tiny country in South Asia. In respect of population, it is the eighth country in the world. So she is a country with a large population.

Density: Bangladesh is a densely populated country. The density of population always refers to the number of population living per square mile. About 1,000 people live in Bangladesh per square mile. So people call her a thickly populated country.

Causes of over population: There are some causes behind over population in Bangladesh. Our climate, weather, geographical conditions, early marriage, polygamy, and high birth rate are the causative factors of over population. Dogmatism, prejudice, superstition, and fundamentalism are also responsible for this population problem.

Disadvantages: Population problem creates other problems like poverty, illiteracy, disease, failure in agriculture, unemployment problem, etc. Poverty is a curse. The country cannot be developed because of poverty. Hunger increases day by day. The country’s production fails to feed the increasing number of people. Job facilities are not able to cope with this population. As a result, people remain unemployed. People cannot provide food for children, let alone education.  The women of Bangladesh have more childbearing capacity. Their conceiving capacity is in fact praising. Our illiterate people do not adopt family planning. So today’s daughter becomes a mother the next year. It seems that our population is increasing according to the Malthusian Theory of population. People being unemployed and jobless accept begging as a profession for their livelihood. They roam about in search of alms in the towns or cities. Being poverty-stricken, the living standard of people is deficient. People cannot manage two square meals a day. Our land is limited but the same plot of land is divided into many. So fragmentation of land is found where the peasants cannot turn the pair of bullocks to cultivate properly.

Solution: Over population is a bar to any kind of development. So necessary and constructive steps should be taken to solve the population problem. Early marriage should be stopped and polygamy should be banned. The introduction of family planning all over the country is essential. Awareness among the common people needs to be created so that they may feel willing to make their families small which can go on well with the per-capita income. Birth control is essential in this regard. Women should take birth control pills, like ovacon, mayabari, ovastat, and men should use condoms while co-habiting with their wives to meet up sexual appetite. The husband should have a clear knowledge of the conceiving period. The couple should be allowed to take only two children. Taxes and fines should be imposed on the parents of more children. Considering this, the government has adopted the “Planned Parenthood” to check this growth rate of population. Medical campaigns are in full swing to control birth rates in various ways. Suitable topics on family planning have been included in the syllabus of boys and girls in schools, colleges, and universities. It is gratifying to note that the government has taken very bold and effective steps to boost food production by launching the campaigns “Grow more food” and “Green Revolution”. This also provides irrigation, and flood control, brings barren land under cultivation, reclamation of land, and protects coastal land from salinity. With a view to solving this population problem, newspapers, radio, television, and other mass media have been playing important roles in educating and enlightening the common people about it.

Over population is a threat: Over population is a more serious threat to our country that atomic weapons. No development work can be expected if this continues to increase day by day. More people or additional people always need more or additional things. This is a threat to development.

Conclusion: Over population is a severe problem to the aspect of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is an over populated land. If the people and the government utilize the country’s resources and do other work sincerely, this problem will be solved. So all of us should take a noble vow to solve the problem and make a happy and prosperous Bangladesh.

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