Application for the post of Assistant Teacher

Application for the post of Assistant Teacher

00 July 0000

The Chairman

‘M’ Kamil Madrasah, Chandpur

Subject: Application for the post of Assistant Teacher.

Dear Sir,

In response to your advertisement published in “The Bangladesh Today” on 10 July 000, I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Teacher in your reputed madrasah. My CV has been stated below –

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Shamsul Islam

Father’s name: Kamrul Islam

Mother’s name: Asma Begum

Present address: 25/2, Segun Bagicha, Dhaka

Permanent address: 61/5, Baburhat, Chandpur

Date of birth: 00-00-0000

Nationality: Bangladeshi by birth

Religion: Islam

Marital status: Unmarried

Contact No: 0130000000

Academic Qualifications:

Name of Degree

Year of Passing



MA (English)


Dhaka University

First Class

BA (With elective English)


Dhaka University

First Class



Dhaka Board

GPA – 5



Dhaka Board

GPA – 5

Experience: I served as an English Teacher for five years in “S” Kamil Madrasah, Dhaka.

I hope you will consider me a suitable candidate for the position mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

Shamsul Islam

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