Describing the Miserable Condition of Garments Sector

Write a report for the newspaper describing the miserable condition of the garments sector.

Describing the Miserable Condition of Garments Sector

Garments Sector at Fall

Staff Reporter, Dhaka August 03, 2023 – Out of six basic needs cloth is very important because it helps us cover our body and declares us civilized. At present, the condition of the garments sector in Bangladesh is not satisfactory at all. The condition of the spinning industries has become worse. We are becoming dependent on the supply of Indian cloth and spin. It is a bad sign for the economy of our country. Some of our nationalized garment industries have been laid out due to the slow rate of production. Many of our workers have been dismissed from their jobs. As a result, the garment industries have become totally unproductive. Only the old buildings of the mills and factories have stood on the earth for nothing. The people, whose income is lacking are in great trouble managing sufficient clothes for their bodies. The rootless and the poorest of the poor are remaining cloth less. So, the steps for the development of the garments sector in Bangladesh should be taken immediately. Otherwise, we will soon have to spend a lot of money importing clothes for our people. The Government and all others concerned should be careful of this matter.

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