Paragraph on Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh Independence

 Paragraph on Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh Independence

Paragraph on Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh Independence

A golden jubilee marks the 50th anniversary of an event. In Bangladesh, the Golden Jubilee refers to the 50th anniversary year of its separation from Pakistan. Bangladesh became independent from Pakistan 50 years ago. Now we are ready to celebrate our golden jubilee of independence in 2021. In 1971, Bangladesh was born as an independent country under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the cost of the supreme sacrifice of three million people and the honour of nearly half a million women. After a nine-month-long bloodstained war of liberation, the name of our country is included in the map of the world. So, the celebration of the golden jubilee of our independence is of great value. The celebration is set to be held from 26 March 2020 to 16 December 2021. Fortunately, the yearlong programs of celebrating the golden jubilee of our independence are set in the 'Mujib Borsho' on the occasion of the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Extensive and colourful programmes are chalked out to celebrate the golden jubilee of the country's independence, and 'Mujib Borsho'. Unfortunately, our yearlong programs of celebrating its golden jubilee have been shortened due to the coronavirus pandemic.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Golden jubilee – সুবর্ণ জয়ন্তী;
  • Anniversary (noun) – বার্ষিকী;
  • Separation (noun) – পৃথকীকরণ, বিচ্ছিন্নাবস্থা;
  • Independent (adjective) - স্বাধীন,
  • Celebrate (verb) – উদযাপন করা,
  • Leadership (noun) - নেতৃত্ব,
  • Supreme (adjective) – সর্ব্বোচ্চ;
  • Sacrifice (noun) – ত্যাগ, বলিদান;
  • Bloodstained (adjective) - রক্তাক্ত,
  • Liberation (noun) – মুক্তি, স্বাধীনতা;
  • Independence (noun) – স্বাধীনতা;
  • Include (verb) - অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা;
  • Fortunately (adverb) - সৌভাগ্যক্রমে, অদৃষ্টক্রমে;
  • Centenary (noun) – শতবর্ষ;
  • Extensive (adjective) – ব্যাপক, বিস্তৃত;
  • Chalk out (verb) – ছকে ফেলা;
  • Unfortunately (adverb) – দুর্ভাগ্যক্রমে;
  • Shorten (verb) - সংক্ষিপ্ত করা,
  • Pandemic (noun) – অতিমারী;


Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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