Paragraph on Advertisement
Advertisement is
meant to make consumers buy products. It is the most important thing for
spreading the name and fame of goods. It is basically a medium of information
and persuasion. The effectiveness of an advertisement can be best judged by its
ability to enhance sales. Today none of our business, product, or work gets a
complete response till there is enough advertisement. Advertisement is
communicated through various mass media, including traditional media such as newspapers,
magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising, or direct mail; and new media
such as blogs, social media, websites, or text messages. Television and radio
are remarkable media for advertisements. Advertisement has become an important
part and parcel of modern commerce and trade. In the modern competitive
commercial age, goods are being produced at a tremendous rate and everyone in
the business world wants to make a profit at the cost of the purchasing public.
So, they spend huge amounts of money on advertising. The more one can publish,
the more one can sell his goods. Men think that advertising goods are best and
they want to buy for reputation. Today the sale of a thing depends not so much
on its quality as on its advertisement. In fact, advertisements often try to
capture the spirit of the time. They can be fun and entertaining to watch. But
they also have a pragmatic purpose: to get the general public interested in
parting with their money.
শব্দের অর্থ:
- Advertisement (n) - বিজ্ঞাপন,
- Consumer (n) - ভোক্তা,
- Product (n) – পণ্য, উৎপাদিত বস্তু;
- Spread (v) - বিস্তার করা, ছড়িয়ে পড়া, বিস্তৃত হওয়া;
- Fame (n) – খ্যাতি, সুনাম;
- Goods (n) - পণ্য, মালপত্র;
- Basically (adv.) – মূলত;
- Medium (n) – মাধ্যম, বাহন;
- Information (n) – তথ্য;
- Persuasion (n) – প্ররোচনা;
- Effectiveness (n) – কার্যকারিতা;
- Judge (v) – বিচারপূর্বক মীমাংসা কর, বিবেচনা করা;
- Sales (n) – বিক্রয়;
- Response (n) - প্রতিক্রিয়া, সাড়া;
- Communicate (v) - যোগাযোগ রাখা বা করা;
- Various (adj.) – বিভিন্ন;
- Mass media (n) – গণমাধ্যম;
- Include (v) – অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা;
- Traditional (adj.) - ঐতিহ্যগত, পরম্পরাগত, চিরাচরিত;
- Remarkable (adj.) - উল্লেখযোগ্য, অসাধারণ;
- Media (n) – মাধ্যমসমূহ;
- Part and parcel (ph.) – অপরিহার্য অংশ;
- Commerce and trade (ph.) – ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য;
- Competitive (adj.) – প্রতিযোগিতামূলক;
- Tremendous (adj.) – ভীষণ, বিস্ময়কর;
- Purchasing (ad.) – ক্রয়কারী;
- Spend (v) – ব্যয় করা, খরচ করা;
- Publish (v) - প্রকাশ করা;
- Reputation (n) - খ্যাতি, মর্যাদা;
- Depend (v) – নির্ভর করা;
- Quality (n) – গুণ, উৎকর্ষ;
- Capture (v) – ধরা, নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনা;
- Entertaining (n) – বিনোদন;
- Pragmatic (adj.) – ব্যবহারিক;
- Purpose (n) – উদ্দেশ্য;
Source: English Book
(Paragraph Writing Part)