Paragraph On Democracy

Paragraph On Democracy

Paragraph On Democracy

The term 'democracy' is a combination of the Greek words 'Demos' and 'Kratos'. 'Demos' refers to people and 'Kratos' refers to rule. So, democracy means 'people's rule or rule by the people. It is a form of government in which people are governed by their own elected representatives. It is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. In this system of government, it is the people who are supreme power. They elect their representatives. They control the government. Even the government cannot do anything against the choice and interest of the people and is always accountable to the people for its actions. At present, democracy is thought to be the best form of government in the modern world. It secures the wealth and prosperity of the people and gives them the political right. In a democracy, people have the freedom to express their views, and they have the right to criticize and protest against the government. The presence of opposition parties is important in a democratic state. This ensures the direct participation of the people in running the government. The success of democracy depends on the active role of the ruling party and the opposition party. Democracy is incomplete unless the people have the choice to choose out of diverse political parties and programmes for national welfare.


শব্দের অর্থ: 

  • Democracy (noun) – গণতন্ত্র,
  • Combination (noun) – সংমিশ্রণ বা সমাহার,
  • Refer to (verb) – (বক্তা বা বক্তব্য ইত্যাদি সম্বন্ধে) নির্দেশ করা বা উল্লেখ করা বা উদ্দেশ্য করে বলা,
  • Government (noun) - সরকার,
  • Representative (noun) – প্রতিনিধি,
  • System (noun) - পদ্ধতি,
  • Supreme (adjective) – সর্ব্বোচ্চ বা চরম,
  • Elect (verb) – নির্বাচিত করা,
  • Choice (noun) - পছন্দ,
  • Accountable (adjective) – দায়ী বা কৈফিয়ত দিতে বাধ্য,
  • Secure (verb) – নিশ্চিত করা বা সুরক্ষিত/নিরাপদ করা,
  • Prosperity (noun) – সমৃদ্ধি বা উন্নতি,
  • Political (adjective) - রাজনৈতিক,
  • Freedom (noun) – স্বাধীনতা বা মুক্তি,
  • Express (verb) – প্রকাশ করা বা ব্যক্ত করা বা স্পষ্টভাবে বর্ণনা,
  • Criticize (verb) – সমালোচনা করা,
  • Protest (verb) – প্রতিবাদ করা,
  • Presence (noun) – উপস্থিতি 
  • Opposition (noun) – বিরোধিতা বা বিরোধী দল,
  • Ensure (verb) – নিশ্চিত করা বা নিরাপদ করা বা আশ্বস্ত করা,
  • Participation (noun) - অংশগ্রহণ,
  • Incomplete (adjective) – অসম্পূর্ণ,
  • Diverse (adjective) – বিভিন্ন বা বিচিত্র বা বিবিধ,
  • Welfare (noun) – কল্যাণ মঙ্গল


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