Paragraph on Lockdown

 Paragraph on Lockdown

Paragraph on Lockdown

A lockdown is a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency. The outbreak of Covid-19 has made us familiar with this term. To stop the spreading of COVID-19, most of the countries of the world are on partial or complete lockdown. In case of a partial lockdown, people are allowed to do their regular activities but they have to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and follow the rules of health related to Covid-19. In case of a complete lockdown, people are not allowed to do their regular activities. Offices, shopping centers, restaurants, tourist spots, amusement corners, traffic, etc. are closed. Only emergency services, like hospitals, medicine stores, law enforcement agencies, media, and utility services operate during the complete lockdown. It is totally impossible to impose a complete lockdown in a densely populated country like ours. Lockdown has a severe physical, mental, and psychological effect on all of us. It also has a detrimental effect on our economy. It is a matter of hope that we are getting used to lockdown over time. 

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Situation (noun) - অবস্থা;
  • Enter (verb) - প্রবেশ করা;
  • Leave (verb) - ত্যাগ করা;
  • Freely (adverb) - স্বাধীনভাবে;
  • Emergency (noun) – জরুরি অবস্থা;
  • Outbreak (noun) - প্রাদুর্ভাব;
  • Familiar (adjective) - পরিচিত;
  • Partial (adjective) – আংশিক;
  • Regular (adjective) - নিয়মিত;
  • Social distancing (noun phrase) – সামাজিক দুরুত্ব;
  • Follow (noun) – অনুসরণ করা;
  • Rules of health (phrase) - স্বাস্থ্যবিধি;
  • Amusement corner (noun phrase) – বিনোদন কেন্দ্র;
  • Impose (verb) – আরোপ করা;
  • Populated (adverb) - জনবহুল;
  • Detrimental effect (noun phrase) – ক্ষতিকর প্রভাব;
  • Economy (noun) - অর্থনীতি;
  • Physical (adjective) – শারীরিক;
  • Mental (adjective) - মানসিক;
  • Psychological (adjective) - মনস্তাত্ত্বিক ।

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