Paragraph on My Favourite Sport
There are a lot of
outdoor sports and everyone has their own favourite sport. I have also one of
mine. Out of all sports, my favourite sport is football. I like it very much.
It is also a famous sport all over the world. By playing football, we can keep
our bodies strong, fit, and flexible. To play football is good exercise and good
for health. That's why football has been the first choice for me. To play
football we need only a football and a piece of land. The sport is played with
feet. Head is also used but it is foul to touch the ball with hand. The number
of players needed for this sport is twenty-two. There are two groups. Each
group has eleven players. Each group has a goalkeeper. There is a center from
where the play starts with the referee. He has the power to comment on right or
wrong. The players have to maintain the rules of the sport. If any player
disobeys him, he is disqualified and comes out of the playground. When the goal
is scored, supporters' joy knows no bounds. Exciting claps are seen when a goal
is scored. This play first originated in England. Now it is an extremely
popular game that attracts people all throughout the world. It helps many to
get relief from stress, teaches teamwork, and discipline, and also brings fitness
to the players. It is a sport of much wonder, joy, and interest.
শব্দের অর্থ:
- Outdoor (adj.) - বহিরঙ্গন, বাহিরের;
- Favourite (adj.) – প্রিয়, সমাদৃত;
- Flexible (v) – নমনীয়;
- Comment (v) – মন্তব্য করা;
- Maintain (v) – বজায় রাখা, রক্ষা করা, বহাল রাখা;
- Disobey (v) – অমান্য করা;
- Disqualify (v) - অযোগ্য করা;
- Know no bound (ph.) – সীমাহীন হওয়া;
- Exciting (adj.) - উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, উত্তেজক;
- Score (v) - গণনা করা, হিসাব;
- Originate (v) – উৎপন্ন করা;
- Extremely (adv.) – অত্যন্ত, অতিশয়;
- Relief (n) – উপশম, মুক্তি;
- Stress (n) – চাপ;
- Fitness (n) – উপযুক্ততা;
- Wonder (n) – আশ্চর্য, বিস্ময়;
Source: English Book
(Paragraph Writing Part)