Paragraph on Our College Canteen
A college canteen is a refreshment
center for the students. It is usually situated within the campus or beside the
campus of the college. It supplies food and drink to the students, teachers, and
other employees of the college. Our college canteen is housed in a separate
building adjacent to our college library. It remains open during college hours.
Students love to visit the canteen in their off periods. They need not go out
for their tiffin. It usually supplies the students and teachers sweets, snacks,
cold drinks, and other fast foods besides tea and coffee. Sometimes, rice, curry,
and various dishes are also available here. The food items that are supplied in
the canteen are fresh. There are good arrangements for sitting and having relax
in our college canteen. Our college canteen is neat and clean. There are two
cooks and three waiters to serve us. There is a manager who collects bills from
the students and teachers sitting behind the cash box. We often pass happy
hours in gossiping and having merriment here. But sometimes we have a discussion
on current political affairs. Our college canteen plays an important role in
our college life. Students often discuss topics of their texts over a cup of
tea in the college canteen. They thus utilize their leisure time in the canteen
productively. In fact, our college canteen is a great attraction for us.
We are really proud of our college canteen.
শব্দের অর্থ:
- Refreshment (noun) – হালকা খাবারদাবার, জলখাবার;
- Center (noun) – কেন্দ্র;
- Usually (adverb) - সাধারণত, সচরাচর;
- Situate (verb) – স্থাপন করা, অবস্থান করানো;
- Supply (verb) - সরবরাহ করা, জোগান দেয়া;
- Separate (adjective) – পৃথক, আলাদা;
- Adjacent (adjective) - সংলগ্ন, সন্নিহিত;
- Remain (verb) – থাকা;
- Various (adjective) - বিভিন্ন, রকমারি, নানাবিধ;
- Available (adjective) - সহজলভ্য, প্রাপ্য;
- Arrangement (noun) – বন্দোবস্ত, ব্যবস্থা, আয়োজন;
- Relax (noun) – বিনোদন;
- Serve (verb) – পরিবেশন করা;
- Collect (verb) – সংগ্রহ করা;
- Gossiping (noun) – খোশগল্প;
- Merriment (noun) – আনন্দ, উল্লাস, ফূর্তি;
- Discussion (noun) – আলোচনা;
- Current (adjective) – বর্তমান, চলতি;
- Political (adjective) – রাজনৈতিক;
- Utilize (verb) - ব্যবহার করা, সদ্ব্যবহার করা;
- Leisure (noun) – অবসর,
- Productive (adjective) – ফলপ্রসূ;
- Attraction (noun) – আকর্ষণ;
Source: English Book
(Paragraph Writing Part)