Composition On Computer

Write a composition on not more than 250 words about Computer.


Hints: Introduction; What is Computer; History of invention; Various kinds; Formation of a Computer; Contributions of Computer; Conclusion.

Introduction: This is an age of science. The blessing of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Science has changed the outlook of the society. There are many wonders of modern science in the world. Computer is one of them.

What is Computer: Man has invented a substitute for the human brain. The machine which can work in place of the human brain is called ‘Computer’.

History of invention: The formula of a Computer was first conceived by Charles Babez, a British professor of Mathematics. But it was invented by the American scientist. Howard Akin in 1937.

Various kinds: Generally Computer has three kinds such as Digital Computer, Analog Computer and Hybrid. Again there are four kinds of Digital Computer. As: 

i. Super Computer
ii. Mainframe Computer
iii. Mini Computer
iv. Micro Computer

Formation of a Computer: there are three main parts of a Computer. As:

i. Hardware
ii. Software
iii. Firmware

Contributions of Computer: Computer is the greatest contributions of science today. It helps man inainnumerables ways. It can also solve difficult problems of Mathematics within short time. I can successfully translate poems or any part of literature. It is used in big agricultural farms. It helps human beings to conquer the space.

Conclusion: Computer is the most important wonder for science. It has brought about so much success in the various fields. So we should not use it as atomic energy for the destruction of human civilization.   

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