Paragraph on A Sad Day in My Life

Paragraph On A Sad Day in My Life I used to call him ‘Tiger’. He was my most faithful friend and protector. To others, he was a mere dog, a dog with

Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘A Sad Day in My Life.’ You have to use the following in writing this paragraph.

Paragraph On A Sad Day in My Life

1.   What was responsible for your sad day?

2.   How was it for you? 

3.   How was it to others?

4.   What were you doing immediately before the occurrence of the sad incident?

5.   How did the incident happen?

6.   Why was the incident so sad to you?

7.   Do you remember you are the sad day?

Paragraph On A Sad Day in My Life

I used to call him ‘Tiger’. He was my most faithful friend and protector. To others, he was a mere dog, a dog without pedigree, neither an Alsatian nor a Greyhound. It was his daily habit to run up to the road and escort me home when I returned from school or the playground in the evening. Last year our school team won the Zonal trophy in football. I myself scored two goals in a row in the final match. We were returning from the playground celebrating our victory with great fanfare. A lorry was decked with festoons and we, players, stood on its deck. As soon as the lorry arrived in our locality, my friend Tiger saw me from a distance. He could not understand why I was so a lorry. Surely I looked very different on that day. Fearing that some danger had befallen me he madly rushed towards the lorry which was just then taking a sharp turn. Tiger fell under its wheel and was smashed. Before I could realize what had happened I heard a pathetic wail. It was the last farewell bark of my friend Tiger. All the glory of victory faded from my mind at once. Everything seemed empty and gloomy. It was a sad day in my life, in fact, the saddest.

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