Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident.

  Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident.

October 24, 2018 
 House-24, Road-10, Block-a
Mirpur-10, Dhaka

Dear Samir,
Hope you are well. However, in my letter, I shall tell you about a street accident that I witnessed yesterday.
It was 5:00 pm. I was walking along the over the bridge at Jatrabari. Suddenly I heard a shrill cracking noise. I noticed a jeep standing on the northern side of the traffic island. The people nearby raised a hue and cry. Along with the passers-by around, I ran towards the jeep and found a man all besmeared with blood under its wheel. I could not keep looking at the dead body for long. I could make out from the crowd that the man was trying to cross the road from the western side. I was really very much shocked at the sight.

No more today. Convey my salam to your parents.

Yours ever

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