Application For Buying More Books for the School Library

Write an application to the Headmaster requesting him to buy some more books to meet the demand of the students.

The Headmaster
“M” High School,

Sub: Prayer for buying more books for the school library.

Dear Sir,
I, on behalf of all the students of your school, would like to have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact that although we have library facility, we do not have sufficient books in our library. Most often we don’t get books that are very urgent for us. Besides, the demand of the students for books is increasing day by day. And it is not possible to fulfill the demand of the students if proper steps are not taken to buy some more books for our school library.

Therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our problem and buy some more books for our library.

Sincerely yours,
On behalf of all students,
Class – 8, Roll – 01

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