Write A Dialogue About The Goodness Of a Seat of Education

Suppose, you are Habib. Write a dialogue between you and your teacher about the goodness of a seat of education.


Myself: Sir, What is the goodness of a seat of education?

Teacher: The goodness of a seat of education is that it produces didactic values and others to humanize us.

Myself: Sir, I am not clear about it.

Teacher: Ok, I am retorting it. A seat of education teacher runs according to the goodness of Allah. The code of goodness like honesty, truthfulness or modesty, helps one to be a rational being.

Myself: Yes, sir, now I have understood well. Can you please explain to me the value of the goodness of a seat education?

Teacher: Simply its value is significant when there was a paucity. Of seat of education, people were not well educated like the present time. That’s why its value is great.

Myself: It means that the value of goodness of a seat of education has made us valuable on earth, hasn’t it?

Teacher: Yes, My son.

Myself: Thank you, sir.

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Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. Blogging is My Hobby and I Would Like to Share my Knowledge With Everyone. Here I Will Share Every Day About Education, Technology, and Programming. So Stay With us And Share my Page on Your Social Platform.

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