Paragraph On Illiteracy

Paragraph On Illiteracy: Illiteracy means the inability to read and write. It is a social problem. About 40 percent of the people of our country are

 Paragraph On  Illiteracy

Paragraph On  Illiteracy

Paragraph On  Illiteracy: Illiteracy means the inability to read and write. It is a social problem. About 40 percent of the people of our country are illiterate. But this illiteracy is the source of many ills. So, the removal of illiteracy should get the topmost priority and be our immediate task. However, our government has launched many campaigns to remove mass illiteracy. It targets eradicating illiteracy from the country within the next few years. Nations with illiterate masses cannot utilize the benefits of modern science and technology. The illiterate people do not know how to cultivate the land by a scientific method. The rules of health and sanitation are unknown to them. They are ignorant of the curse of population explosion. It is mass education, that makes them understand the gravity of the situation. The mass education programme is very necessary. In order to make mass education programmes a success, a large number of primary schools should be set up all over the country. Radio and TV can play a vital role in broadcasting different regular programmes in this regard. The experts in education should find out easy methods to teach our children. The illiteracy eradication campaign is a must to remove illiteracy. 

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