How To Make a Character Certificate By The Principal / Headmaster

 Make a character certificate by the principal / Headmaster to a student who has recently passed in Fazil / Degree examination.


Character Certificate

To whom it may concern


This is to certify that M A Habib S/O Md Nurul Islam; Present Address: Demra, Narayangonj, Dhaka; Permanent Address: Vill+Post: Jatrapur, P.S: Mnogor, District: Chandpur is personally known to me. He had been reading in this madrasah/college for five years and has passed Fazil / Degree examination with success. To the best of my knowledge, he is honest, sincere, and loyal. He never took part in any political activity or any other activities subversive of the state or of discipline.

I wish him every success in life.


Date:…………………………                                                   Md Ahshan Habib

(Md Ahshan Habib)

Principal / Headmaster

N H Madrasah / N H College , Chandpur

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