Short Paragraph On Paper For Class 3, 4, 5

Paper is a very thin white thing. It is made of bamboo, grass, rags, and wood. We write handprints on paper. It is used for making packing boxes. We

 Short Paragraph On Paper (কাগজ)

Short Paragraph On Paper

Paper is a very thin white thing. It is made of bamboo, grass, rags, and wood. We write handprints on paper. It is used for making packing boxes. We cannot do without it. Paper may be of various colours, such as white, red, green, blue, etc. coloured paper is used for decoration and fancy works. Paper plays an important role in modern civilization.


Word Vault: Thin: পাতলা White: সাদা। Bamboo: বাঁশ Grass: ঘাস। Wood: কাঠWithout: ছাড়া। Various: বিভিন্নDecoration: সাজসজ্জ। Fancy: আভিনব। Important: গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। Role: ভূমিকা। Modern: আধুনিক। Civilization: সভ্যতা।

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