Application For Lending Some Books

Write a letter to the Librarian, the British Council to lend you some books.

Application For Lending Some Books

10 September 20—

The Librarian

British Council

Fullar Road, Dhaka

Subject: For lending some books

Dear Sir,

I am badly in need of the books listed below for about a fortnight in order to prepare myself for my examination. With due respect, I beg to state that I would be obliged if you kindly lend me the books for the period mentioned above.

A certificate from the Superintendent of our hostel is enclosed herewith in attestation of my identity.

Thanking you

Yours respectfully

Ahshan Habib

List of Books:

  • English Idioms by Wm. Mc. Mordie
  • Wordsworth by H. Derbyshire
  • A Short History of English Literature by Legouis
  • Modern English Usage by Fowler and Fowler

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