Describing the Mosquito Menace in Your Locality

Write a report for the newspaper about the mosquito menace in your locality.

Describing the Mosquito Menace in Your Locality

Mosquitoes Paralyze Life in Mymensingh Urban and Rural Areas

Gazipur Correspondent, August 03, 2023 – The mosquito menace is causing untold suffering to the people hampering normal activities in 6 Upazilas of the district. With the advent of summer breeding of mosquitoes has increased alarmingly both in the rural and urban areas of the district. The main breeding, vegetables, fish, and meat markets; are areas of biscuit and chanachur factories, slums, unclean drains in pourashavea, hospital areas, poultry farms, and marshy lands full of grass or hyacinths.

Sources said, that in many residential areas, some unscrupulous people throw wastages here and there indiscriminately. Again some unconscious housewives or their maidservants residing in multistoried buildings throw wastages through the windows into the drains where mosquitoes can easily breed.

On the other hand, the drains are not cleaned by any landlord. Besides, sweepers who are to sweep drains, dustbins, market areas do not perform their respective duties properly and thus paving the way for breeding mosquitoes.

Mosquito menace has taken such a serious turn that whenever people sit or stand at any place they start biting. Even at the time of walking mosquitoes chase people from behind. The bathroom, kitchen, cowshed, and store remain full of mosquitoes.

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